
Thursday 28 May 2009

outside of time

The universe is a picture, your thoughts and actions are part of it.

Free will is an illusion.

November 21, 2016 edit: ..Or perhaps not so static after all, a consequence of entanglement is violating causality as we know it by transferring potential to a slowed member.. Depends.. Depends..

Saturday 21 March 2009

wave-particle duality

The smaller the particle the closer it is to its medium.

Imagine particles as waves - then as a consequence  whenever they are measured and retransmitted, physical states change naturally explaining missing interference patterns in the double slit experiment.

I once thought that if you propel something to near the speed of light it will behave as light -around the age of 10 and had been watching sci-fi with my dad again, so was thinking about several things, time travel and then of watching past events by getting an immensely powerful telescope and getting somewhere else before the light.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

bringing back the medium, possibilities part 1


If the vacuum currents cause strong enough whirls that does not dissipate the whirls could end up as particles which mostly dissipate and may give off em-waves, but not always.

The spin of these subatomic 'particles' cause the surrounding vacuum currents to change aka 'space to curve' causing gravity.

Articulating the experiments from my imagination is proving challenging, I will edit as I see fit..

the sea of the skies


- "Currents in subspace" form everything:

In the sea you have currents that flow in various directions and it sometimes happens that a "freak wave" is formed, a wave that appear seemingly out of nowhere on an otherwise silent sea as seen from the surface.

My most successful analogy in explaining how I view the universe involves imagining the universe as a big sea.

Imagine a completely empty space with its currents underneath, by empty I mean that there is no light or particles.  Then "suddenly out of nowhere", a few tiny particles appear.  Imagine this happening all over the universe too, sometimes a particle stay and often they fall back into nothing..

There are many things purposely left out from this little big picture like gravity and charge vs. spin, why they stay, why they don't..

Monday 23 February 2009

old theory description

From my old site:
What is metalight?

Circa 1993: I dreamt up a theory of everything - metalight - "stateless" fluid "empty" space, which form gravity and light and builds what we currently define as matter.

I will explain this further when I get around to it

In my next entry I will add a bit to this.